Saturday, March 31, 2007

Journey to Divine Health

All my life I've had problems keeping my weight down. I even remember back in high school my Dad even bribed me to loose weight. It didn't happen. And now years later I'm still battling the weight giant.

I am the evening receptionist at a long term acute care hospital. When prompted for an explanation, I tell people that it is a hospital where people come after they've been discharged from another hospital. No...its NOT a nursing home.

As the receptionist I see most of the patients as they enter the hospital. And I've noticed, and I probably wouldn't be lying when I say this, about 95 percent of the patients who arrive here are overweight. That has caused me to make up my mind that I am not going to allow myself to get to that state.

And as a result I lost 23 pounds in 4 months. Not a good thing as I developed hemorrhoids in the process.

Six weeks ago I started exercising...again. I am trying to make it to the gym 3 times per week, but so far I've only been able to make it twice per week. And on the days that I don't make it I spend some time working in my garden.

One thing I've noticed this time is how quickly my body has accepted this new again regiment. Sure I got sore, but I also noticed that I was getting stronger with each visit.

So since this is so paramount in my mind, I've decided to create this lens to even more firmly keep this goal in front of me.

As I am not an expert I will be posting any articles that I come across that makes sense.

Favorite Quote
It’s difficult to keep mattering in life when you don’t matter to yourself.
former New York Mayor Edward Koch

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